Children, Sex-slaves

Re-blogged from

This is not a ‘comfortable’ subject. Perhaps you might think it is questionable why it is posted on a ‘faith’’ blog’. But. I think it is something that truly deserves our prayers.

On tonight’s news, in Western Australia, the lead story knocked ‘sport’ off the top spot… no mean feat here.

A 13-year old girl, who had been used as a ‘sex slave’ for 2 years was rescued from the pedophile ring. Her father not only used her as a ‘sex slave’ but had made her available to other men in the pedophile ring.

At first, like many of us would be, I was horrified… then I remembered – when I was a nursing sister in a psychiatric hospital one of the most challenging patients was a young woman who had been similarly used.

(I will not go into more information to protect the identity of the person.)

The reason I share this is because of the psychological difficulties the young woman suffered.

  • Guilt
  • Anger

She had a reputation for terrorizing female student nurses. I remember an incident when she came into the rear section of the nurses’ office where I was briefly, and threatened stabbing me in the eye with a pair of nurses’ stitch scissors. It was not a pleasant experience for me.

(And there were her many episodes of attempted self-harm,.)


Who can really tell why she was angry? Everything you could think of, might be a reason… but the only person (or people) who would understand would be those who have been in the same situation.


I can only tell you what she told me, after I had ‘passed the tests’, and even then it cost her dearly to speak.

As, apparently, is often the case in situations involving incest, which is where it started because the father was the first ‘perpetrator’… her mother blamed her daughter when, eventually, the truth was exposed.. So this young woman, a child when it started, blamed herself.

Another source of on-going guilt in that young woman’s life was that she came to enjoy what her father, and the other men were doing to her.

Why did it happen?

As for why the father did what he did – who knows what was locked in his past?

When the impact of what I heard on the news tonight sank in, I could only pray that the child in tonight’s report, now in ‘care’, has people who will help her recover emotionally, not only physically.

Therefore, I ask you, my readers, please pray for all the children – and that means boys as well as girls, who are sexually abused… and especially by family members.

God will judge the perpetrators. I can have a ‘knee-jerk’ response, but only God knows the full story… and how far back it goes.

(There are no images in this post. I do not want to identify, or trivialize this subject.)



Thank God for Unanswered Prayers

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Thank God for unanswered prayers

That is what my funeral consultant said to me when she visited to sort out my plans.
No, she wasn’t saying that she had prayed for me to die and I had not. She was sharing an incident in her life. I think it is something many of us could relate to, I know I can.
cartoon elderly couple schoot reunionHer story was of attending a High School reunion and meeting the man who had been the object of her desire, in her youth. I know I could relate to fervent prayers for the ‘love’ of the young man.

(Actually, in Hold the Faith, Benjamin almost loses his faith when his desire for a young woman as his wife is thwarted by her father’s plans.)
Back to my funeral consultant… she laughed to think of how she agonized over this ‘love’… and saw the reality. An old, bald man.
Well, we all grow older, and some do become bald, or fat. Some become bitter, angry with what life has ‘dished’ out to them.
I had a few ‘crushes’ in my younger years. Who knows what would have developed. I have no complaints about my ‘lot’ – I do miss my very special husband, but have a store of good memories.

For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29: 11

Perhaps a bit difficult to accept amongst the hormones of adolescence, but God DOES have plans for us. Sometimes they are a long time in arriving. Sometimes that is part of the preparation process.

cartoon, bad-temper
And it is not only being ‘rescued’ from a relationship that would have been disastrous… what about the job that would have been a catastrophe? Maybe the supervisor would have been picky and quarrelsome… or perhaps the company would have gone ‘bust’, leaving you older and with fewer job prospects.
There have been reports of someone missing a plane – or train… and being spared death.
So – thank You, Father for unanswered prayers. And please help me to remember I said that LOL.

To be ready for the future and the hope – we need to be in the ‘space’ where we can appreciate it… recognize it.

Musing again,

why wish on a star, pray to the One who created it.

Sorry – again

My apologies

sad faceBetween finishing The Light of Truth, making a trailer for it, formatting it as an eBook (after the editor had done) AND health issues… I have not been here.

You noticed?

I finished that shawl by the way. Rather quickly.

A text arrived that the expectant mum had ‘started’ 3 or 4 weeks early.

Hand knitted shawl

So, I stopped everything else, sat and knitted the remaining 20 odd peaks, stitched it up, soaked it and pinned it out.


Just as well. I heard later that evening that ‘the princess’ had arrived.

I have been working on my website – well, the updated one. And there is a blog there that I did post some things to.

You will find it here        Author website blog

There was my own health problems – and appointments consuming my time – but, praise God, prayers of the ‘saints’ were heard – and all is okay.

Now I have to finalize matters with the pre-paid funeral. No, not expecting to die – but I made one small change in the plan and was told that my plan went up each year. In this first year the difference was nearly $2,000

I think that is being sorted. I talk to someone tomorrow.

In the meantime… I am of two minds whether to start putting together the notes for book 4 – which excites me, or breathe – and catch up on all I need to do.

Please check out my author website blog for updates. You can even sign up to my readers group. (Another new project.)

Thank you for your support over the years, please follow me to my other site

One last thought…

why wish on a star, pray to the One who created it.Susan